Monday, March 16, 2015

Denver YTD Update

I have received some market snaps of D-met from Land Title going over the entire market in detail. I have included some of the critical snaps in this post but if you would like a full detailed .pdf market snap please let me know and I would be glad to email it to you! 

But for now, you can at least get a decent idea of how in shambles our market is!!!
OK...It's not really in shambles but we are in a bit of a crisis as far as having NO INVENTORY!!! So if you have been thinking of selling I would highly recommend doing so TODAY! Because not only will you most likely get above asking...but you will be able to sell it quick and easy!

(To view these slides in a larger format, simply click the image!)

As you can see here, with the exception of the $800,000+ market, we are incredibly below our "required" inventory. A "required" inventory is what we call a "Balanced Market." A "Balanced Market" is considered to be six months of salable inventory. Here, the red bar is our current inventory and the green bar is what it is supposed to look like in a "Balanced Market."
(Detached Properties)

(Attached Properties)

This slide shows how properties are being purchased. Cash or Loan (Conventional, FHA, or VA). 

This is Average Days On Market (ADOM) per each price category.
 If you have a quality Realtor® He/She is going to tell you to price it right from the start. Here is a slide proving their point, and even in a RIDICULOUSLY HIGH SELLER'S MARKET it shows that pricing AT MARKET VALUE from the start is the best way to go!!!


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